

Focused on feature creation for Ancera's biomedical analytics application that focused on providing farmers with realtime data on disease spread amongst livestock.

Company Site
Ancera hero

Livestock monitoring is a very complex process to wrap your head around. Ignoring the medical jargon that comes with this field, the steps farmers take to manually assess their animals for disease is involved and complicated. But understanding this was crucial to devising solutions that fit their work style and needs.

The numbers, what do they mean!

My work at Ancera was heavily focused on information architecture and information architecture. The data that our clients required was never as black and white as data requirements for something like web analytics is. There is always a layer of medical interpretation that goes over everything. Constant communication with veterinarians, clients, and development was key to fully understanding what was needed.

Checkout the my presentation on these components.

Data Viz

At a glance

Everything we did had to also be displayed in a digestible way. I worked on creating flows and screens that provided this glance as well as avenues to investigate further into the data. Many iterations were needed for every single feature that we needed, many hours spent whiteboarding these complex architectures out to paint that clear picture.

Careful consideration was needed around the choice of colors and indication assets to provide the proper affordance to users.

My process

As usual my process at Ancera followed closely with my usual process. Gather requirements, iterate on paper, run potential solution past team, lo-fi and iterate, review again, then move to hi-fi. All along the way making sure to incorporate real user feedback into each step.

Throughout my time with Ancera I worked closely with biomedical scientists, veterinarians, developers, data analysts, and most importantly our direct clients. I learned so much about the inner workings of farming operations and the nature of disease spread amongst livestock. It was a very interesting and unique design challenge to work in such a niche market space. I wish I could show more of my work but due to the startup nature of the company there is a lot of restrictions around what I can say and show.


Chore Management


3D Design


Coin Care